AEP Partners with Vitacare Pharmacy for SHOOT Tasting Event 

A.E. Patel & Co. in collaboration with Vitacare Pharmacy successfully conducted a SHOOT tasting event held on Saturday, August 3, 2024, in Plaine Magnien. We showcased our range of effervescent tablets, offering attendees an opportunity to experience the refreshing and beneficial effects of our products firsthand.

During the event, customers had the chance to sample our SHOOT effervescent tablets, known for their high-quality ingredients and effective formulation. The tasting session provided valuable insights into the product’s benefits and allowed participants to engage directly with our team.

We are grateful to Vitacare Pharmacy for their partnership and support in hosting this engaging event. It was a pleasure to connect with the community and introduce them to the unique advantages of our SHOOT tablets. We look forward to future collaborations and continuing to deliver quality products and experiences to our customers.

AEP Proudly Sponsored Rheumatology Congress in Mauritius 

A.E. Patel & Co. sponsored the Rheumatology Society (Mauritius) Conference held on August 3-4, 2024, at Le Jadis Beach Resort & Wellness in Balaclava, Mauritius. This impactful 2-day event focused on addressing key challenges and unmet needs in rheumatology, with discussions covering systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriatic arthritis, osteoporosis, and its comorbidities.

The conference successfully brought together healthcare professionals, including rheumatologists, orthopedic surgeons, internal medicine physicians, and general practitioners. Through our sponsorship, we supported both commercial and educational aspects of the event.

We are proud to have supported such a valuable conference and look forward to continuing our efforts to advancing medical education and supporting the rheumatology community.